Friday, August 26, 2011

Life is really just too short

Life's too short.
That's been our motto for the duration. But living that philosophy has proved more difficult than either of us had imagined.
The barrier to this seems to be the balance between the underlying tenet of this philosophy, that is to maximise your own enjoyment of your life, versus the values we hold of not doing harm to others. And when the things you want to do to maximise you own enjoyment will result in harm to others, than you have a serious decision to make. And thats when most people do what we do, which is try and avoid that big serious shit and concentrate on the small short term pleasures that got us here in the first pace.


Red shoes
Stay ups
Ripping shirts off
Kisses in the rain
amd late nights that turn into early mornings

But the thing I have come to realise is, that these apparently shallow, short term fixes, when you add them all up, amount to what life is all about anyway. And the excuses you can invent that mean you do not indulge any of these shallow pleasures, but instead persue the worthy, value driven, and ultimately completely fucking mind-numbingly boring activities with no thanks for your virtues, can make life seem very very, extremely fucking very long indeed.

So life is short. It really is. And thank whatever god for it. I'm going to live my life as if its as short as a day.

But only after I look after all of the things I need to look after before I look after myself.

Lol :-)

ps. Aphrodite, I'll be calling on you soon, I promise. I just hope you are ready. x

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